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Vietnam MIC Circular 02/2024/TT-BTTTT - List of products need TAC and SDoC

AuthorTrần Thanh Phương

Circular 02/2024/TT-BTTTT stipulates the List of potentially unsafe products and goods under the management responsibility of the Vietnam MIC (List of group 2 products and goods)

EXTENDMAX - On March 29, 2024, the Vietnam MIC officially issued Circular No. 02/2024/TT-BTTTT, which specifies the "List of products and goods that may compromise safety under the management of the Ministry of Information and Communications" (Group 2 goods list). According to this, products and goods that involve wireless broadcasting and information technology specified in Appendices 1 and 2 are subject to state quality inspection, mandatory conformity certification, and/or conformity declaration). This new version includes several changes to support businesses, including temporary suspension of testing under extreme conditions and adding some cases of self-use imports exempted from conformity certification. At the same time, the Vietnam MIC also reduces the requirements for destructive test cases according to QCVN 132:2022/BTTTT, QCVN 101:2020/BTTTT for some situations of importing in small quantities. Starting from May 15, 2024, Circular 02/2024/TT-BTTTT will take effect and replace Circular 04/2023/TT-BTTTT.

Unlike the draft version, which was merely a revised and supplemented version previously published, the Circular on Group 2 goods list issued by the Ministry of Information and Communications this time is a completely new version. This might be the reason why the official version was published later than expected due to the more complex and time-consuming process of issuing a new Circular than issuing a revised version.



Key new feature of the Circular 02/2024/TT-BTTTT

The contents were revealed in the draft and meetings

The new aspects of Circular 02/2024/TT-BTTTT, as revealed in the draft and during meetings with the Vietnam MIC, manufacturers, and importers, include significant changes to the regulations on the product and goods category that require quality inspection, conformity declaration (SDoC), and conformity certification (TAC). These changes are as follows:

1) The adoption of new standards such as QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT, QCVN 110:2023/BTTTT, QCVN 111:2023/BTTTT from May 15, 2024, earlier than the standards' effective dates. (QCVN 117:2023/BTTTT has been applied for conformity certification from February 15, 2024).

2) Type approval certificates issued during the partial or complete suspension of the standards' effectiveness, in the period from July 15, 2023, to May 14, 2024, will continue to be valid until the expiration date noted on the certificates.

3) Exemption from applying certain technical specifications that are difficult to measure, such as Total Radiated Power (TRP), Total Radiated Sensitivity (TRS), base station performance, etc.

4) Continuation of the suspension of testing under harsh conditions (extreme conditions) until June 30, 2025, for most products (excluding WiFi Access Point devices).

5) Exemption from the need for conformity certification and declaration for imported lots intended for self-use containing a maximum of three wireless transmission and reception products. This exemption applies only to certain products considered to pose minimal safety risks, such as laptops, tablets, desktop computers, and TVs.

6) 5G NR mobile phones are required to support both Standalone (SA) and Non-Standalone (NSA) operating modes and must support the frequency bands specified in QCVN 127:2021/BTTTT.

7) Re-allow using chassis test results for conformity declaration SDoC according to QCVN 63:2020/BTTTT, which facilitates the process for products that share the same chassis design but may have different size or configurations.

8) Wireless charging devices are exempt from the requirement to undergo testing according to QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT, easing the process for manufacturers and importers of these devices.

Newly introduced content, not previously disclosed

9) Manufacturers and import companies have the option to finalize their conformity declaration files, conformity certification, and quality inspection registration between January 1, 2024, and the effective date of Circular 02/2024/TT-BTTTT. They can choose to comply with the regulations of either Circular No. 04/2023/TT-BTTTT and Circular No. 10/2023/TT-BTTTT or the new regulations set forth in this Circular. This provides a transitional period for businesses to adapt to the new regulations while also giving them the flexibility to comply with previous circulars if they find it more beneficial or practical.

10) The Circular specifies a list of commitment documents required for importing devices featuring WiFi 6E and WiFi 7 technologies, or self-use imports that are exempt from conformity certification and declaration requirements. This inclusion aims to ensure that they meet safety and operational standards given in MIC Circular 08/2021/TT-BTTTT.

11) Minor amendments have been made to the names of some products and goods compared to the previous version of the circular. This could involve clarifying product categories, updating terminology to reflect current industry standards, or correcting any ambiguities that may have existed in the previous circular's text.


Full content of the Circular 02/2024/TT-BTTTT

(English version updated soon)

New Circular download link: 



Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No.: 02/2024/TT-BTTTT

Hanoi, March 29, 2024




Pursuant to the Law on Product and Goods Quality dated November 21, 2007;

Pursuant to the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations dated June 29, 2006;

Pursuant to the Law on Radio Frequency dated November 23, 2009; Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Radio Frequency dated November 9, 2022;

Pursuant to the Law on Information Technology dated June 29, 2006;

Pursuant to Decree No. 132/2008/ND-CP dated December 31, 2008 of the Government detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Product and Goods Quality, Decree No. 74/2018/ND-CP May 15, 2018 of the Government amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 132/2008/ND-CP of the Government detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Product and Goods Quality;

Pursuant to Decree No. 154/2018/ND-CP dated November 9, 2018 of the Government amending, supplementing and abolishing a number of regulations on investment and business conditions in the field of state management of the Ministry Science and Technology and some regulations on specialized testing;

Pursuant to Decree No. 13/2022/ND-CP dated January 21, 2022 amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 132/2008/ND-CP dated December 31, 2008, Decree No. 74/2018/ ND-CP dated May 15, 2018 of the Government detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Product and Goods Quality and Decree No. 86/2012/ND-CP dated October 19, 2012 of the Government regulating detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Measurement;

Pursuant to Decree No. 48/2022/ND-CP dated July 26, 2022 of the Government regulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Information and Communications;

At the request of the Director of the Department of Science and Technology,

The Minister of Information and Communications promulgates a Circular stipulating the List of potentially unsafe products and goods under the management responsibility of the Ministry of Information and Communications.

Article 1. Scope

1. This Circular stipulates the List of potentially unsafe products and goods under the management responsibility of the Ministry of Information and Communications (hereinafter referred to as List of group 2 products and goods); principles for managing group 2 products and goods; regulate a number of cases where products and goods are exempt from regulation conformity certification and declaration of conformity; regulates some cases of suspension and partial/full application of some technical regulations.

2. This Circular only applies to products and goods with HS codes and descriptions of products and goods specified in the List of products and goods group 2.

Article 2. Subjects of application

This Circular applies to:

1. Organizations and individuals that produce and trade products and goods on the List of group 2 products and goods in Vietnam.

2. Organizations and individuals with activities related to quality management of products and goods on the List of group 2 products and goods in Vietnam.

Article 3. List of group 2 products and goods

The list of group 2 products and goods and management measures are prescribed as follows:

1. The list of products and goods specialized in information technology and communications that require certification of conformity and declaration of conformity are specified in Appendix I issued with this Circular.

2. The list of products and goods specialized in information technology and communications that require declaration of conformity to regulations is specified in Appendix II issued with this Circular.

Article 4. Principles for management of group 2 products and goods

1. The quality management of products and goods on the List of group 2 products and goods is carried out in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Information and Communications on certification of conformity, declaration of conformity, and quality inspection for products and goods specialized in information and communication technology and corresponding technical regulations.

2. Products and goods on the List of group 2 products and goods that are integrated with other products and goods on the List of group 2 products and goods must undergo certification of conformity and declaration of full conformity with regulations. Corresponding technical standards apply to that product and goods and the integrated products and goods.

3. Products or goods falling under Product Category, Goods Group 2, within the scope of application of two or more technical standards, must undergo compliance certification and compliance declaration according to the regulations of those technical standards.

4. In cases where technical regulations issued before the effective date of this Circular contain provisions different from this Circular, the provisions of this Circular shall comply with the provisions of this Circular.

5. From the effective date of this Circular, if there are new technical regulations issued to replace the technical regulations specified in the List of products and goods group 2; or there are newly promulgated technical regulations that apply additionally to products and goods specified in the List of group 2 products and goods, the provisions of the Circular promulgating new technical regulations shall apply.

Article 5. Regulations on a number of cases where group 2 products and goods are exempt from regulation conformity certification and declaration of conformity

1. Products and goods in sections 1 and 2 of Appendix II issued with this Circular that incorporate short-range radio equipment in section 2 of Appendix I or section 4 of Appendix II issued with this Circular This device and does not integrate other radio transmitters and receivers are exempt from regulation certification and declaration of conformity if the following requirements are simultaneously met:

a) Imported for use by importing organizations and individuals;

b) Import a maximum of 03 (three) products and goods for each category in the shipment;

c) Products and goods with operating bandwidth and technical specifications that comply with the technical and operational requirements outlined in Circular No. 08/2021/TT-BTTTT dated October 14, 2021, issued by the Minister of Information and Communications, which regulates the list of radio equipment exempted from licensing for radio frequency use, along with their corresponding technical and operational conditions

2. Products and goods listed in Section 1 and Section 2 of Appendix II, as issued in this Circular, are exempt from conformity certification and declaration according to QCVN 101:2020/BTTTT and QCVN 132:2022/BTTTT, provided that the technical regulations stipulate the requirement for destructive sample testing only if the following conditions are met simultaneously:

a) Import a maximum of 03 (three) products and goods for each category in the shipment;

b) Importing organizations and individuals must have a written commitment that products and goods comply with part/entire technical regulations including destructive testing of samples and are fully responsible for the safety of imported products and goods. password.

3. The exemption from regulation conformity certification and declaration of conformity for products and goods specified in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article shall comply with the provisions of Point c, Clause 2, Article 16 of Circular No. 30/2011/TT-BTTTT October 31, 2011 has been amended and supplemented according to Circular No. 15/2018/TT-BTTTT dated November 15, 2018 and Circular No. 10/2020/TT-BTTTT dated May 7, 2020 of the Minister Ministry of Information and Communications.

Article 6. Regulations on some cases of suspension of effectiveness and partial/full application of some technical regulations

1. In some cases, products and goods are discontinued and partial/full application of some technical regulations is not required until June 30, 2025 as specified in Appendix I and Appendix II. promulgated together with this Circular.

2. From the effective date of this Circular until June 30, 2025, the implementation of certification of conformity and announcement of conformity of products and goods specified in Clause 1 of this Article with all technical regulations is encouraged. corresponding technique.

3. From July 1, 2025, products and goods specified in Clause 1 of this Article have been certified and declared conformity for the period from July 15, 2023 to June 30, 2025. By 2025, if production or import continues, certification of conformity and declaration of additional conformity must be carried out to fully comply with corresponding technical regulations or certification of conformity and declaration of new conformity according to regulations. corresponding technical standards.

Article 7. Implementation effect

1. This Circular takes effect from May 15, 2024.

2. Circular No. 04/2023/TT-BTTTT dated May 31, 2023 of the Minister of Information and Communications regulating the List of potentially unsafe products and goods under the management responsibility of the Ministry of Information and Communications and Circular No. 10/2023/TT-BTTTT dated September 5, 2023 of the Minister of Information and Communications suspending the application of partial/full implementation regulations of a number of technical regulations Circular No. 04/2023/TT-BTTTT dated May 31, 2023 of the Minister of Information and Communications ceases to be effective from the effective date of this Circular.

Article 8. Transitional provisions

1. Certificates of conformity and notices of receipt of declaration of conformity issued for products and goods specified in Clause 1, Article 6 of this Circular between July 15, 2023, and the date preceding the issuance of this Circular, shall remain valid until the expiration date indicated in the Certificate of Conformity and Notice of Receipt of Declaration of Conformity.

2. Organizations and individuals engaged in production and importation are required to prepare documentation for declaration of conformity and register for quality inspection of imported goods between January 1, 2024, and the date preceding the enforcement date of this Circular. They must adhere to the regulations outlined in Circular No. 04/2023/TT-BTTTT dated May 31, 2023, and Circular No. 10/2023/TT-BTTTT dated September 5, 2023, or comply with the regulations stipulated in Clause 1, Article 6 of this Circular regarding technical regulations.

Article 9. Implementation organization

1. The Chief of Office, Director of the Department of Science and Technology, Heads of agencies and units under the Ministry of Information and Communications and relevant organizations and individuals are responsible for implementing this Circular.

2. During the application of this Circular, organizations and individuals are responsible for promptly reporting problems and following the instructions of the Ministry of Information and Communications (Department of Science and Technology).

3. In case there are problems in determining the HS code of imported goods that are potentially unsafe products or goods within the scope of regulation of this Circular, the Ministry of Information and Communications (Department of Science) and Technology) in coordination with the Ministry of Finance (General Department of Customs) to provide unified guidance and handling./.



- Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Ministers (to report);
- Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, and agencies under the Government;
- People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities;
- Department of Information and Information of provinces and centrally run cities;
- Department of Legal Document Inspection (Ministry of Justice);
- Official Gazette, Government Electronic Information Portal;
- Ministry of Information and Communications: Minister and Deputy Ministers, agencies and units under the Ministry, Ministry's electronic information portal;
- Filed: Archives, Science and Technology.


Nguyen Manh Hung



(Issued together with Circular No. 02/2024/TT-BTTTT dated March 29, 2024 of the Minister of Information and Communications)


Name of product or commodity

Technical regulations

HS code according to Circular No. 31/2022/TT-BTC

Description of products and goods


Regulations on application of technical regulations, certification of conformity, declaration of conformity


Radio transmitter and transceiver equipment with frequency bands ranging from 9 kHz to 400 GHz.


Radio transmitter and transceiver equipment used in fixed or mobile terrestrial radio communication services


Land mobile communication terminal (3)

QCVN 86:2019/ BTTTT (1)

QCVN 101:2020/BTTTT (1) (8)

QCVN 117:2020/BTTTT or QCVN 117:2023/BTTTT (7)



Terrestrial mobile phones use E-UTRA (4G) technology and can integrate one or more of the following functions:

- W-CDMA FDD (3G) mobile communication terminal;

- GSM mobile communication terminal (2G and 2.5G);

- Fifth generation mobile communication terminal (5G);

- Broadband data transmission operates in the 2.4 GHz band;

- 5 GHz band radio access;

- Short-range radio transmission and reception.

- From February 15, 2024 to June 30, 2024: can choose to apply according to QCVN 117:2020/BTTTT or according to QCVN 117:2023/BTTTT.

- From July 1, 2024: apply QCVN 117:2023/BTTTT; The certificate of conformity according to QCVN 117:2020/BTTTT is still valid until the end of its expiry date, including completion of state inspection registration documents according to QCVN 117:2023/BTTTT.

- For QCVN 117:2020/BTTTT: Desist application of technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until the end of June 30, 2024.

- For QCVN 117:2023/BTTTT: technical requirements under extreme/critical conditions are not required until the end of June 30, 2025.

Terrestrial mobile communication terminals other than mobile phones must use E-UTRA (4G) technology from July 1, 2024. Certificate of conformity for land mobile communication terminals other than mobile phones that only integrate/use W-CDMA FDD (3G), GSM (2G and 2.5G) technology according to QCVN 117:2020/BTTTT, while still be valid, will continue to be valid until the end of its validity period but not later than June 30, 2024.

- For QCVN 101:2020/BTTTT: only applies to mobile phones that use Lithium batteries that are separate or included/installed in the device (an inseparable part of the device).



Terrestrial mobile communication terminal equipment other than mobile phones (transmitting device combined with receiving device), integrating/using one or more technologies: E-UTRA (4G); W-CDMA FDD (3G); GSM (2G and 2.5G);
and can integrate one or more of the following functions:

- Fifth generation mobile communication terminal (5G);

- Broadband data transmission operates within the 2.4 GHz band;

- 5 GHz band radio access;

- Short-range radio transmission and reception.



Fifth generation mobile information terminal (5G) (3)

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT (1)

QCVN 101:2020/BTTTT (1) (8)

QCVN 127:2021/BTTTT or QCVN 129:2021/BTTTT



Terrestrial mobile phones using fifth generation (5G) mobile communication technology, whether or not integrating one or more of the following functions:

- Terrestrial mobile communication terminal;

- Broadband data transmission operates in the 2.4 GHz band;

- 5 GHz band radio access;

- Short-range radio transmitter, transceiver

- Applying both technical regulations QCVN 127:2021/BTTTT and QCVN 129:2021/BTTTT; Certificate of conformity for fifth generation (5G) mobile communication terminals according to only one out of two technical regulations QCVN 127:2021/BTTTT or QCVN 129:2021/BTTTT, which is still valid, shall continue to be valid until the end of the validity period, but not later than June 30, 2024.

- For QCVN 127:2021/BTTTT and QCVN 129:2021/BTTTT: Desist application of technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until the end of June 30, 2025.

- For QCVN 101:2020/BTTTT: only applies to mobile phones that use Lithium batteries that are separate or included/installed in the device (which are an inseparable part of the device).


Terrestrial mobile communication terminal equipment other than mobile phones (transmitter combined with receiver), using fifth generation mobile communication technology (5G) with or without integration one or more of the following functions:

- Terrestrial mobile communication terminal;

- Broadband data transmission operates in the 2.4 GHz band;

- 5 GHz band radio access;

- Short-range radio transmission and reception.


GSM mobile communication base station equipment (6)

QCVN 41:2016/BTTTT

QCVN 103:2016/BTTTT (1)


Base station equipment in mobile phone networks using GSM technology (2G and 2.5G) with or without integrating one or more of the following functions:

- W-CDMA FDD mobile communication base station device (3G);

- E-UTRA mobile communication base station equipment (4G);

- Fifth generation mobile communication base station equipment (5G).

- For QCVN 41:2016/BTTTT: Desist application of technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until the end of June 30, 2025.


W-CDMA FDD mobile communication base station device (6)

QCVN 16:2018/BTTTT

QCVN 103:2016/BTTTT (1)


Base station equipment in mobile telephone networks using W-CDMA FDD (3G) technology, whether or not integrating one or more of the following functions:

- GSM mobile communication base station equipment (2G and 2.5G);

- E-UTRA mobile communication base station equipment (4G);

- Fifth generation mobile communication base station equipment (5G).

- For QCVN 16:2018/BTTTT: Desist application of technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until the end of June 30, 2025.


E-UTRA mobile communication base station equipment (6)

QCVN 103:2016/BTTTT (1)

QCVN 110:2017/BTTTT or QCVN 110:2023/BTTTT



Base station equipment in mobile phone networks using E-UTRA (4G) technology, whether or not integrating one or more of the following functions:

- GSM mobile communication base station equipment (2G and 2.5G);

- W-CDMA FDD mobile communication base station device (3G);

- Fifth generation mobile communication base station equipment (5G).

- From the effective date of this Circular until the end of June 30, 2024: can choose to apply according to QCVN 110:2017/BTTTT or according to QCVN 110:2023/BTTTT.

- From July 1, 2024: apply QCVN 110:2023/BTTTT; The certificate of conformity according to QCVN 110:2017/BTTTT is still valid until the end of its term, including completion of state inspection registration documents according to QCVN 110:2023/BTTTT.

- For QCVN 110:2017/BTTTT: Desist application of technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until the end of June 30, 2024.

- For QCVN 110:2023/BTTTT: technical requirements under extreme/critical conditions are not required until the end of June 30, 2025.


Fifth generation mobile communication base station equipment (5G) (6)

- For single-mode base stations of type 1-C, 1-H

QCVN 128:2021/BTTTT (10)

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT (1)


- For single-mode base stations of 1-O and 2-O types:

QCVN 128:2021/BTTTT (10)

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT (1)


- For mixed-mode base stations:

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT (1)


Fifth generation (5G) mobile communication network base station equipment whether or not integrating one or more of the following functions:

- GSM mobile communication base station equipment (2G and 2.5G);

- W-CDMA FDD (3G) mobile communication base station equipment;

- The E-UTRA mobile communication base station equipment (4G).

- For single-technology base stations of type 1-C, 1-H: Desist application of technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions QCVN 128:2021/BTTTT until the end of June 30, 2025.

- For single technology base stations of type 1-O, 2-O: the entire application of QCVN 128:2021/BTTTT will be suspended until the end of June 30, 2025.

- The importer must declare and commit to the type of fifth generation mobile communication base station equipment (single technology base station type 1-C, 1-H, 1-O, or 2-O; base station multi-technology) in the quality inspection registration dossier.


GSM mobile communication repeater (6)

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 103:2016/BTTTT (1)


Devices with the function of receiving and retransmitting signals of mobile information networks using GSM technology (2G and 2.5G) with or without integrating one or more of the following functions:

- W-CDMA FDD (3G) mobile communication repeater;

- E-UTRA (4G) mobile communication repeater;

- Fifth generation (5G) mobile communications repeater.



W-CDMA FDD mobile communication repeater (6)

QCVN 66:2018/BTTTT

QCVN 103:2016/BTTTT (1)



Equipment with the function of receiving and retransmitting signals of mobile communication networks using W-CDMA FDD (3G) technology, with or without integrating one or more of the following functions:

- GSM mobile communication repeater (2G and 2.5G);
- E-UTRA (4G) mobile communication repeater;
- Fifth generation (5G) mobile communications repeater.


- For QCVN 66:2018/BTTTT: Desist application of technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until the end of June 30, 2025.


E-UTRA mobile communication repeater device (6)

QCVN 103:2016/BTTTT (1)

QCVN 111:2017/BTTTT hoặc QCVN 111:2023/BTTTT


Equipment with the function of receiving and retransmitting signals of mobile communication networks using E-UTRA (4G) technology, with or without integrating one or more of the following functions:

- GSM mobile communication repeater (2G and 2.5G);

- W-CDMA FDD (3G) Mobile Repeater;

- Fifth generation mobile communications repeater (5G).


- From the effective date of this Circular until the end of June 30, 2024: can choose to apply according to QCVN 111:2017/BTTTT or according to QCVN 111:2023/BTTTT.

- From July 1, 2024: apply QCVN 111:2023/BTTTT; The certificate of conformity according to QCVN 111:2017/BTTTT is still valid until the end of its validity period, including completion of state inspection registration documents according to QCVN 111:2023/BTTTT.

- For QCVN 111:2017/BTTTT: Desist application of technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until the end of June 30, 2024.

- For QCVN 111:2023/BTTTT: application of technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions is not mandatory until the end of June 30, 2025.



Fifth generation mobile communication repeater (5G) (6)

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT (1)



Devices with the function of receiving and retransmitting signals of the fifth generation (5G) mobile communication network, whether or not integrating one or more of the following functions:

- GSM mobile communication repeater (2G and 2.5G);

- W-CDMA FDD (3G) mobile communication repeater;

- E-UTRA (4G) mobile communication repeater.



Low Power Wide Area Network Radio Equipment (LPWAN) (5)

- For devices operating in the 920 MHz - 923 MHz band:

+ For devices with output power up to 25 mW ERP

QCVN 122:2020/BTTTT (12)

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT (1)

+ For devices with output power above 25 mW ERP to 306 mW ERP

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT (1)

- For devices operating in the 433.05 MHz - 434.79 MHz band with a transmitting capacity of up to 100 mW ERP:

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT (1)







Base station device, radio access device, or terminal device that has the function of sensing, measuring, recording, and transmitting parameters to be measured via a radio interface.

- For QCVN 122:2020/BTTTT: Desist application of technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until the end of June 30, 2025.



Water level sensor device, transmitting measurement parameters via LPWAN technology radio interface.



Air temperature sensor device, transmitting measurement parameters via LPWAN technology radio interface.


Air humidity sensor device, transmitting measurement parameters via LPWAN technology radio interface.


Air dust sensor device, transmitting measurement parameters via LPWAN technology radio interface.



The smoke detector in the smoke alarm system has the function of analyzing smoke in the air and transmitting smoke warning signals to the control center or smoke alarm device via LPWAN technology radio interface.

- For E-UTRA narrowband IoT terminal:

QCVN 131:2022/BTTTT (11)

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT (1)


Terrestrial mobile communication terminals using narrowband IoT technology are designed to operate in the E-UTRA bands.



Land mobile radio equipment with an integral antenna used for analog voice  (3)

QCVN 37:2018/BTTTT (12)

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT (1)


Handheld radio equipment with integral antenna using angle modulation in land mobile services, operating in the radio frequency range from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz with channel spacings of 12.5 kHz and 25 kHz, primarily for analog voice (wireless telephones, not smartphones, not wired telephone sets with cordless handsets).

- For QCVN 37:2018/BTTTT: Desist application of technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until the end of June 30, 2025.


Land mobile radio equipment with a separate antenna for analog voice (3)

QCVN 43:2011/BTTTT

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT (1)


Equipment in the angle modulation system used in land mobile service operates at radio frequencies ranging from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz, with channel spacing of 12.5 kHz and 25 kHz for analog voice (excluding smartphones and wired telephone sets with wireless handsets), including:

- For QCVN 43:2011/BTTTT: Desist application of technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until the end of June 30, 2025.


- Base station device (with antenna socket);



- Mobile station (with antenna socket);

- The handset has an antenna socket; or without an antenna socket (integral antenna unit) but with a permanent or temporary internal 50 Ω RF connector allowing connection to the transmitter output port and receiver input port.



Land mobile radio equipment with integral antenna for data (and voice) transmission (3)


QCVN 44:2018/BTTTT (12)

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT (1)


Land mobile radio equipment using constant envelope angle modulation, operating in the radio frequency range from 30 MHz to 1 GHz, with channel spacings of 12.5 kHz and 25 kHz, including handheld digital radio or combined analog/digital radio that uses an integral antenna to transmit data and/or voice.

- For QCVN 44:2018/BTTTT: Desist application of technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until the end of June 30, 2025.


Land mobile radio equipment with separate antenna for data (and voice) transmission (3)

QCVN 42:2011/BTTTT

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT (1)


Digital radio equipment and analog/digital combination equipment with separate antennas for the purpose of transmitting data and/or voice, including:

- For QCVN 42:2011/BTTTT: Desist application of technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until the end of June 30, 2025.


- Base station equipment (with antenna socket used in a fixed position);


- Mobile station (with antenna socket usually used on a vehicle or as a mobile station) or handheld station for the purpose of transmitting data and/or voice.


Radio transmitter and receiver equipment specialized for broadcast television and radio broadcasting


DVB-T2 digital video transmitter

QCVN 77:2013/BTTTT


The transmitter is used for digital terrestrial broadcasting services according to DVB-T2 standards with a channel bandwidth of 8 MHz.



Broadcast equipment using amplitude modulation technology (AM)

QCVN 29:2011/BTTTT


Amplitude-modulated (AM) radio equipment used for broadcasting services working in the medium wave frequency range (from 526.5 kHz to 1606.5 kHz) and short wave (from 3.2 MHz to 26.1 MHz) MHz).



Broadcasting equipment using frequency modulation technology (FM)

QCVN 30:2011/BTTTT


Frequency-modulated (FM) radio equipment used for broadcasting services working in both mono and stereo modes, frequency range 87 MHz to 108 MHz.



Wireless broadcasting equipment uses frequency modulation (FM) technology in the band from 54 MHz to 68 MHz

QCVN 70:2013/BTTTT


Wireless broadcasting equipment using frequency modulation (FM) technology in the 54 MHz to 68 MHz band, working in mono mode.



Radar Equipment


Radar equipment (except radar equipment used for ships and boats at sea and radar of the short-range radio transmitter and receiver type)

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT(1)



All types of Radar equipment used on the ground, or equipped on civil aircraft, except Radar equipment used for ships and boats at sea and Radar of the short-range radio transmitter and receiver type.



Short range radio equipment (4)


DECT radio subscription extension cordless telephone equipment (3)

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 113:2017/BTTTT (1)

QCVN 132:2022/BTTTT (12)(13)


The wired telephone set includes a mother station (Base Station) accompanied by one or several wireless radio telephones (subs) using DECT technology. Mobile handsets (phones) connect to the fixed network through the mother station (Base Station), which is a landline phone that connects calls to the fixed network.



Short-range radio transmitter and receiver for general purposes

- For devices operating in the 9 kHz - 25 MHz frequency range:

QCVN 96:2015/BTTTT (1)

QCVN 55:2011/BTTTT or QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT


- For the device operate in the 25 MHz - 1 GHz frequency band:

QCVN 73:2013/BTTTT

QCVN 96:2015/BTTTT (1)


- - For the device operate in the 1 GHz - 40 GHz frequency band:

QCVN 74:2020/BTTTT

QCVN 96:2015/BTTTT (1)



Equipment with an external antenna connector and/or with an integrated antenna, intended to transmit or receive voice, images or other forms of data; including devices using active NFC (Near Field Communication) near-field communication technology. Does not apply to devices mentioned in section 4.1 Appendix II.

- From the effective date of this Circular until the end of June 30, 2024: can choose to apply according to QCVN 55:2011/BTTTT or according to QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT.

- From July 1, 2024: apply QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT; The certificate of conformity according to QCVN 55:2011/BTTTT remains valid until the end of its term, including completion of state inspection registration documents according to QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT.

- For QCVN 55:2011/BTTTT: Desist application of technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until the end of June 30, 2024.

- For QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT: it is not mandatory to apply technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until the end of June 30, 2025.

- For the device operate in the 40 GHz - 246 GHz frequency band:

QCVN 123:2021/BTTTT (12)

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT (1)



Radio warning equipment, radio remote control equipment, general data transmission equipment, operating in the frequency range from 40 GHz to 246 GHz for the following cases:

- There is a radio output connection with a separate antenna or with an integrated antenna;

- Use all types of modulation;

- Fixed devices, mobile devices and handheld devices.
Does not apply to the devices mentioned in Section 4.1, Appendix II of this Circular.

- For QCVN 123:2021/BTTTT: Desist full application until the end of June 30, 2025.




Radio telemetry equipment (Short range level radar).

Does not apply to the devices mentioned in Section 4.1, Appendix II of this Circular.




Wideband data transmission equipment operates in the 2.4 GHz band with equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) ranging from 60 mW to 200 mW (3)

QCVN 54:2020/BTTTT

QCVN 112:2017/BTTTT (1)



Wi-Fi transceiver devices (Wi-Fi Modem, Wi-Fi transmitter) used in wireless internal networks in the 2.4 GHz band (frequency band from 2400 MHz to 2483.5 MHz) have equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) from 60 mW to 200 mW, with or without incorporating one or more of the following functions:

- 5 GHz band radio access;

- Terrestrial mobile communication terminal;

- Fifth generation mobile communication terminal (5G);

- Other short-range radio transceivers.


- For QCVN 54:2020/BTTTT: Desist application of technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until the end of June 30, 2025, for products and goods other than receiver-transmitter equipment Wi-Fi wave (Wi-Fi modem, Wi-Fi transmitter), HS code: 8517.62.51, with integrated Wi-Fi reception and broadcast function.






UAV/Drone (remote controlled flying vehicle, can integrate television camera equipment, digital camera and image recording camera) uses remote control technology, transmitting images using controlled radio waves. spread spectrum mechanism in the 2.4 GHz band (frequency band from 2400 MHz to 2483.5 MHz) and has an equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) from 60 mW to 200 mW.






UAV/Drone (remote controlled flying vehicle, can integrate television camera equipment, digital camera and image recording camera) uses remote control technology, transmitting images using controlled radio waves. spread spectrum mechanism in the 2.4 GHz band (frequency band from 2400 MHz to 2483.5 MHz) and has an equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) from 60 mW to 200 mW.


Wireless access devices operating in the 5 GHz band with equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) of 60 mW or more (3)

QCVN 65:2021/BTTTT (9)

QCVN 112:2017/BTTTT (1)


Wi-Fi transceiver (Wi-Fi Modem, Wi-Fi transmitter) used in wireless internal networks in the 5 GHz band (frequency band includes 3 sub-bands: 5150 MHz to 5350 MHz, 5470 MHz to 5725 MHz and 5725 MHz to 5850 MHz) with equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) of 60 mW or more, whether or not incorporating one or more of the following functions:

- Broadband data transmission operates in the 2.4 GHz band;

- Terrestrial mobile communication terminal;

- Fifth generation mobile communication terminal (5G);

- Other short-range radio transceivers.

- For QCVN 65:2021/BTTTT: Desist application of technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until the end of June 30, 2025, for products and goods other than receiver-transmitter equipment Wi-Fi wave (Wi-Fi modem, Wi-Fi transmitter), HS code 8517.62.51, with integrated Wi-Fi reception and broadcast function.







Flycam (television cameras, digital cameras and image recording cameras mounted on flying devices) use remote control technology, transmitting images through spread spectrum radio waves in the 5 GHz band (which includes three sub-bands: 5150 MHz to 5350 MHz, 5470 MHz to 5725 MHz, and 5725 MHz to 5850 MHz) and have equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) ranging from 60 mW to 200 mW.






UAV/Drone (remote controlled flying vehicle, can integrate television camera equipment, digital camera, and image recording camera) uses remote control technology, transmitting images using controlled radio waves. spread spectrum mechanism in the 5 GHz band (frequency band includes 3 sub-bands: 5150 MHz to 5350 MHz, 5470 MHz to 5725 MHz and 5725 MHz to 5850 MHz) and has equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) from 60 mW to 200 mW.


Radar equipment used in road or rail traffic applications

- For the device operate in the 24GHz - 24.25 GHz frequency band:

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 96:2015/BTTTT (1)



Short-range radar devices operating in the 24 GHz - 24.25 GHz frequency band are used for applications in traffic information (road or rail) such as cruise control, detection, warning, and collision avoidance. contact between the vehicle and surrounding objects.



Radio detection and warning equipment

- For the device operate in the frequency range 9 kHz - 25 MHz:

QCVN 96:2015/BTTTT (1)

QCVN 55:2011/BTTTT or QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT


- For devices operating in the 25 MHz - 1 GHz frequency band:

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 96:2015/BTTTT (1)


The device includes a sensor and a control system connected to each other via a radio interface for radio detection and warning purposes.

- From the effective date of this Circular until the end of June 30, 2024: can choose to apply according to QCVN 55:2011/BTTTT or according to QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT.

- From July 1, 2024: apply QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT; The certificate of conformity according to QCVN 55:2011/BTTTT remains valid until the end of its validity period, including completion of state inspection registration documents according to QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT.

- For QCVN 55:2011/BTTTT: Desist application of technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until the end of June 30, 2024.

- For QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT: it is not mandatory to apply technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until the end of June 30, 2025.


Radio remote control equipment

- For devices operating in the 9 kHz - 25 MHz frequency range:

QCVN 96:2015/BTTTT (1)

QCVN 55:2011/BTTTT or QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT


- For devices operating in the 25 MHz - 1 GHz:

QCVN 73:2013/BTTTT

QCVN 96:2015/BTTTT (1)


- For devices operating in the 1 GHz - 40 GHz:

QCVN 74:2020/BTTTT

QCVN 96:2015/BTTTT (1)


- For devices not covered by QCVN 73:2013/BTTTT, QCVN 74:2020/BTTTT:

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 96:2015/BTTTT (1)


Equipment that uses radio waves to control models and controls in industry and civil use.

- From the effective date of this Circular until the end of June 30, 2024: can choose to apply according to QCVN 55:2011/BTTTT or QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT.

- From July 1, 2024: apply QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT; The certificate of conformity according to QCVN 55:2011/BTTTT remains valid until the end of its validity period, including completion of state inspection registration documents according to QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT.

- For QCVN 55:2011/BTTTT: Desist application of technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until the end of June 30, 2024.

- For QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT: it is not mandatory to apply technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until the end of June 30, 2025.


Radio frequency identification equipment (RFID)

- For devices operating in the 9 kHz - 25 MHz:

QCVN 96:2015/BTTTT (1)

QCVN 55:2011/BTTTT or QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT


- For devices operating in the 25 MHz - 1 GHz frequency band:

QCVN 73:2013/BTTTT

QCVN 96:2015/BTTTT (1)


- For devices operating in the 918.4 MHz - 923 MHz band

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 96:2015/BTTTT (1)


- For devices operating in the 1 GHz - 40 GHz:

QCVN 74:2020/BTTTT

QCVN 96:2015/BTTTT (1)


The device uses radio waves to automatically identify, track, and manage goods, people, animals, and other applications. The device has two separate units connected via a radio interface:

- From the effective date of this Circular until the end of June 30, 2024: can choose to apply according to QCVN 55:2011/BTTTT or QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT.

- From July 1, 2024: apply QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT; The certificate of conformity according to QCVN 55:2011/BTTTT remains valid until the end of its validity period, including completion of state inspection registration documents according to QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT.

- For QCVN 55:2011/BTTTT: Desist application of technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until the end of June 30, 2024.

- For QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT: it is not mandatory to apply technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until the end of June 30, 2025.



- Radio transceiver device, storing information in the form of a tag carrying an electronic chip (RF tag), mounted on the object that needs identification; Only applicable to cards with power source.

Radio identification equipment (RFID) is not included in section 4.2, Appendix II of this Circular.


- Radio transceiver device (RF Reader) to activate the radio card and receive card information, transferring it to the data processing system.

Radio identification equipment (RFID) is not included in section 4.2, Appendix II of this Circular.


Non-stop traffic toll collection equipment applies radio identification technology (RFID)

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 96:2015/BTTTT (1)


The non-stop traffic toll collection device applies radio frequency identification (RFID) technology in the 920 MHz - 923 MHz band with high power over 500 mW ERP, with two separate blocks connected via radio interface:




- Radio transceiver device, storing information in the form of a tag carrying an electronic chip (RF tag), mounted on the object that needs identification, only applicable to tags with power source.


- Radio transceiver device (RF Reader) to activate the radio card and receive card information, transferring it to the data processing system.


Wireless audio devices

QCVN 91:2015/BTTTT

QCVN 130:2022/BTTTT (1)




Wireless microphone with operating frequency range 40.66 - 40.7 MHz; 87 - 108 MHz; 182.025 - 182.975 MHz; 217.025 - 217.975 MHz; 218.025 - 218.475 MHz; 470 - 694 MHz and 1795 - 1800 MHz.








The wireless speaker has an operating frequency range of 40.66 - 40.7 MHz; 87 - 108 MHz; 182.025 - 182.975 MHz; 217.025 - 217.975 MHz; 218.025 - 218.475 MHz; 470 - 694 MHz and 1795 - 1800 MHz.



Wireless headphones have an operating frequency range of 40.66 - 40.7 MHz; 87 - 108 MHz; 182.025 - 182.975 MHz; 217.025 - 217.975 MHz; 218.025 - 218.475 MHz; 470 - 694 MHz and 1795 - 1800 MHz.




Wireless combination microphone/speaker with operating frequency range 40.66 - 40.7 MHz; 87 - 108 MHz; 182.025 - 182.975 MHz; 217.025 - 217.975 MHz; 218.025 - 218.475 MHz; 470 - 694 MHz and 1795 - 1800 MHz.


Ultra-wideband data transmission device (UWB)

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 94:2015/BTTTT (1)



Devices using ultra-wideband (UWB) technology for fixed indoor or mobile and portable information transmission, including:
- Stand-alone radio devices with or without attached controls;
- Modular plug-in radio devices are used to plug into different host devices, such as personal computers, handheld terminals, etc.;
- Plug-in wireless devices used in combination devices, such as cable modems, Set Top Boxes, access points;
- A combination device or combination of a plug-in radio device and a specific host device;
- Equipment used in road and rail vehicles.



Note: The implementation of certification and conformity declaration of products and goods is stated in Appendix I for some specific cases as follows:

(1) For this technical regulation, products and goods do not have to undergo certification of conformity, but only declaration of conformity.

(2) When applying QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT, in addition to the requirements in QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT, products and goods must comply with Vietnam's radio frequency planning.

(3) This type of products and goods does not apply to explosion-proof information equipment.

(4) The short-range radio equipment in this section does not include receiver-only devices; broadband data transmission equipment operating in the 2.4 GHz band with an equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) of less than 60 mW; 5 GHz band radio access equipment with an equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) of less than 60 mW. Certification of conformity and declaration of conformity will only be carried out when the device is suitable in terms of frequency band and technical and operational conditions according to the provisions of Circular No. 08/2021/TT-BTTTT dated October 14, 2021, issued by the Minister of Information and Communications.

Broadband data transmission devices, standalone radio access devices operating on one or more bands that support the 6 GHz band (5.925 GHz to 7.125 GHz) (hereinafter referred to as Wi-Fi 6E devices, Wi-Fi 7 devices) can only be type approved and conformity declared with the condition that the manufacturer of Wi-Fi 6E and Wi-Fi 7 devices has a written commitment to turn off the 6 GHz band and the end-user cannot be activated these bands or used without the manufacturer's support.

Devices with integrated functions of Wi-Fi 6E and Wi-Fi 7 devices can only be certified and declared conformity with the condition that the device manufacturer has integrated functions of Wi-Fi devices. Fi 6E and Wi-Fi 7 have a written commitment to turning off the 6 GHz band and users cannot activate and use this band without the manufacturer's support.

(5) Certification of conformity and declaration of conformity will only be performed when the device is suitable in terms of frequency band and technical and operational conditions as prescribed in Circular No. 08/2021/TT-BTTTT dated October 14, 2021 of the Ministry The Minister of Information and Communications stipulates the List of radio equipment exempt from radio frequency use licenses, accompanying technical and exploitation conditions.

(6) Organizations and enterprises that produce, import, distribute and use base station equipment and mobile communication repeater equipment commit to strictly comply with the provisions of law on the management and use of radio frequencies.

(7) For QCVN 117:2023/BTTTT, the requirements regarding Total Radiated Sensitivity of the Receiver (TRS) in Article 2.2.12 and Total Radiated Power (TRP) in Article 2.2.13 of the technical standard have not been implemented yet.

(8) For QCVN 101:2020/BTTTT: only mandatory declaration of conformity with requirements on safety characteristics specified in Article 2.6 of this technical regulation.

(9) For QCVN 65:2021/BTTTT: in article 2.1.2 of QCVN 65:2021/BTTTT, formula (1) of the technical regulation does not apply.

(10) For QCVN 128:2021/BTTTT: 5G base station performance requirements in article 2.4 have not been applied. When applying QCVN 128:2021/BTTTT, devices supporting bands n77 and n78 must apply the requirements in Appendix D of QCVN 128:2021/BTTTT, except for the requirement to limit spurious emissions in section D. .4 of QCVN 128:2021/BTTTT.

(11) For QCVN 131:2022/BTTTT: the requirements for Total Receiver Radiation Sensitivity (TRS) in Article 2.2.12 and Total Radiated Power (TRP) in Article 2.2.13 of the technical regulations have not been applied.

(12) Do not use measurement/test results of domestic or foreign testing laboratories that have not been designated or recognized, or the manufacturer's measurement/test results to evaluate compliance with standards. this technique.

(13) For QCVN 132:2022/BTTTT: in case products and goods use power adapter, if power adapter is accompanied with the product, then test QCVN 132:2022/BTTT for products and goods together with included power adapters; If the power adapters is not accompanied with the product, then test QCVN 132:2022/BTTTT for products and goods without power adapter.




(Issued together with Circular No. 02/2024/TT-BTTTT dated March 29, 2024 of the Minister of Information and Communications)


Name of product or commodity

Technical regulations

HS code according to Circular No. 31/2022/TT-BTC

Description of products and goods

Regulations on application of technical regulations, certification of conformity, declaration of conformity


Information technology equipment


Desktop computer

QCVN 118:2018/BTTTT

QCVN 132:2022/BTTTT (12)(13)


The device is designed to be housed within the same casing, containing at least one central processing unit, one input unit, and one output unit, whether combined or separate, and may or may not integrate one or more functions:

- Broadband data transmission operates in the 2.4 GHz band;

- 5 GHz band radio access;

- Terrestrial mobile communication terminal;

- Fifth generation mobile information terminal (5G);

- Short-range radio transmission and reception.



Laptop and portable computer

QCVN 118:2018/BTTTT

QCVN 101:2020/BTTTT (8)

QCVN 132:2022/BTTTT (12)(13)


Portable automatic data processing machine, weighing not more than 10 kg, consisting of at least a central data processing unit, a keyboard and a display, whether or not incorporating one or more functions:

- Broadband data transmission operates in the 2.4 GHz band;

- 5 GHz band radio access;

- Terrestrial mobile communication terminal;

- Fifth generation mobile communication terminal (5G);

- Short-range radio transmission and reception.




QCVN 118:2018/BTTTT

QCVN 101:2020/BTTTT (8)

QCVN 132:2022/BTTTT (12)(13)



Portable automatic data processing machine, weighing no more than 10 kg, including at least one central data processing unit, one keyboard and one screen (except laptops, notebooks, subnotebooks) , whether or not integrating one or more functions:

- Terrestrial mobile communication terminal;

- Fifth generation (5G) mobile communication terminal;

- Broadband data transmission operates in the 2.4 GHz band;

- 5GHz band radio access;

- Short distance radio transceiver.




Radio and television equipment


Television signal decoding equipment (Set Top Box) in satellite television networks (except DVB-S/S2 satellite digital television signal decoding equipment)

QCVN 118:2018/BTTTT



The device decodes satellite television signals in analog form, without information interaction function.



DVB-S/S2 satellite digital television signal decoding device

QCVN 118:2018/BTTTT



Receiver device used to receive and decode unlocked satellite television signals (Free To Air - FTA) with DVB-S and/or DVB-S2 technology, supporting SDTV/HDTV, without communication function believe.



Set Top Box in a digital cable television network

QCVN 118:2018/BTTTT

QCVN 132:2022/BTTTT (12)(13)





Signal decoding equipment in cable television networks uses digital. The device may or may not have the ability to interact with the service provider.



Television signal decoder device (Set Top Box) in IPTV television network

QCVN 118:2018/BTTTT

QCVN 132:2022/BTTTT (12)(13)





Signal decoding device in IPTV television network (television over internet connection). The device may or may not have the ability to interact with the service provider.



DVB-T2 digital terrestrial television signal decoder (Set Top Box DVB-T2)

QCVN 63:2020/BTTTT

QCVN 118:2018/BTTTT



Terrestrial digital television signal decoding equipment uses DVB-T2 technology, without information interaction function.



Television receiver with integrated DVB-T2 digital terrestrial television signal reception function (iDTV)

QCVN 63:2020/BTTTT

QCVN 118:2018/BTTTT

QCVN 132:2022/BTTTT (12)(13)



Receiver equipment used in television has the function of decoding terrestrial digital television signals using DVB-T2 technology. Designed to mount video or display equipment, is color, not battery operated, and does not use a cathode ray tube.

For QCVN 63:2020/BTTTT: can use test results of other television sets using the same chassis/platform to make declaration of conformity.

Chassis/platform is a combination of three components: Tuner, main processing IC (IC with Demodulator and Decoder integrated inside), Software (or Firmware); or a combination of two components: Mainboard (Mainboard) and Software (or Firmware).

Technical documents in the dossier declaring conformity and registering for quality inspection of imported goods must show that the television set is used with chassis/platform, specifically:

- Technical documents of the type of television set declaring conformity/registering for quality inspection of imported goods, showing all chassis/platform components, accompanied by codes of chassis/platform components.

- The manufacturer's commitment document for television sets that use the same chassis/platform, has a List of television receivers that use the same chassis/platform, with the codes of the same iron components.

- The test results of a type of television set in the List of television sets using the same chassis/platform, clearly show the codes of the chassis/platform components.


Amplifier equipment in cable television distribution systems

QCVN 72:2013/BTTTT


Equipment with signal amplification function used in cable television networks (carrier wired systems or digital wired systems).



Radio transmitter and receiver equipment with a frequency band ranging from 9 kHz to 400 GHz and a transmitting capacity of 60 mW or more


Radio transmitter and receiver equipment used in fixed or mobile terrestrial radio communication services


Digital microwave equipment

- For point-to-point microwave devices, the frequency range is from 1.4 GHz to 55 GHz:

QCVN 53:2017/BTTTT (12)(14)

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT


- For digital microwave devices other than point-to-point microwave devices in the frequency range from 1.4 GHz to 55 GHz:

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT


The transmission device combined with the receiver uses digital microwave technology.


- For QCVN 53:2017/BTTTT: Desist application of technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until the end of June 30, 2025.


Terrestrial radio trunking equipment (TETRA) (3)

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 100:2015/BTTTT


TETRA terrestrial radio trunking equipment, including:



- Base station equipment (BS);



- Mobile phone (MS);

- Mobile handset - direct mode (DM-MS);

- Mobile phone - DW (DW-MS);




- Repeater - direct mode (DM-REP), other than telephones;

- Repeater/ Gateway - direct mode (DM-REP/GATE), other than telephones;

- Repeater - trunk mode (TMO-REP), other than telephones;




- Gateway device - direct mode (DM-GATE), other than telephones;

- Mobile equipment of TETRA radio communication systems, other than telephones.



Radio transmitters and receivers specialized for satellite communications (except mobile devices used in maritime and aviation)


VSAT devices operate in the C band

QCVN 38:2011/BTTTT

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT


VSAT equipment (transmission equipment combined with receiver equipment) operates in the C-band of satellite information services in geostationary orbit.

- For QCVN 38:2011/BTTTT: full effect is suspended until the end of June 30, 2025.


VSAT devices operate in the Ku band

QCVN 39:2011/BTTTT

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT



VSAT equipment (transmission equipment combined with receiver equipment) operates in the Ku band of satellite information services in geostationary orbit.

- For QCVN 39:2011/BTTTT: full effect is suspended until the end of June 30, 2025.


Land mobile terminal of the global mobile communication system via non-geostationary satellite in the band 1 GHz - 3 GHz

QCVN 40:2011/BTTTT

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT


Mobile terrestrial terminal station (equipment) of the global mobile communication system via non-geostationary satellite in the band 1 GHz - 3 GHz (transmitting equipment combined with receiving equipment).



Mobile earth station equipment operates in the Ku band.

QCVN 116:2017/BTTTT (12)


Mobile earth station equipment (MES) (except aeronautical mobile earth stations, operating in the Ku band) operating in the frequency bands of the fixed satellite (FSS) service (equipment transmission device combined with the receiver):

- 10.70 GHz to 11.70 GHz (space-to-earth direction);

- 12.50 GHz to 12.75 GHz (space-to-earth direction);

- 14.00 GHz to 14.25 GHz (space-to-earth direction).



Specialized radio transmitter and receiver equipment for maritime mobile services (including support equipment and satellite equipment)


VHF radio transceiver equipment of the coastal station belongs to the GMDSS system

QCVN 24:2011/BTTTT

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 119:2019/BTTTT


Transmitters and transceivers with external antenna connectors of coastal stations, operating in the VHF band of the maritime mobile service and using emission types G3E, and G2B for DSC signaling:

- For QCVN 24:2011/BTTTT: full effect is suspended until the end of June 30, 2025.


- Analog voice equipment, digital selective calling (DSC), or both;


- The device operates in the frequency band from 156 MHz to 174 MHz;

- The device operates by local control or remote control;

- The device operates with 25 kHz channel spacing;

- The device operates in simplex, half-duplex and full-duplex modes;

- The device may consist of multiple units;

- Devices can be single-channel or multi-channel;

- The device operates over shared radio areas;

- The device operates separately from other radio equipment.


Two-way VHF telephone equipment permanently installed on the rescue ship

QCVN 26:2011/BTTTT

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 119:2019/BTTTT


Two-way VHF radiotelephone equipment, operating in the frequency band from 156 MHz to 174 MHz used in maritime mobile services and suitable for permanent installation on rescue ships as part of a safety information system and global maritime rescue (GMDSS).

- For QCVN 26:2011/BTTTT: full effect is suspended until the end of June 30, 2025.


Inmarsat-C equipment used on ships

QCVN 28:2011/BTTTT

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 119:2019/BTTTT


Inmarsat-C ground station equipment used on ships belongs to the global maritime rescue and safety information system (GMDSS) (transmission equipment combined with receiver equipment).

- For QCVN 28:2011/BTTTT: full effect is suspended until the end of June 30, 2025.


VHF telephone equipment used on life-saving vehicles

QCVN 50:2020/BTTTT (12)

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 119:2019/BTTTT


Portable VHF radiotelephone equipment operating in the maritime mobile service band from 156 MHz to 174 MHz; Suitable for using on rescue ships and can be used on vessels at sea.

- For QCVN 50:2020/BTTTT: full effect is suspended until the end of June 30, 2025.


Maritime emergency position-indicating radio beacons (EPIRBs) operate in the frequency band 406.0 MHz to 406,1 MHz (5)

QCVN 57:2018/BTTTT (12)

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 119:2019/BTTTT



Emergency Position Indicating Radio Buoy (EPIRB) device via satellite exploited in the COSPAS-SARSAT satellite system for radio communication in the Cargo Safety and Rescue Information System global shipping (GMDSS).

- For QCVN 57:2018/BTTTT: full effect is suspended until the end of June 30, 2025.


The personal location beacon operates on the 406.0 MHz to 406.1 MHz frequency band (5)

QCVN 108:2016/BTTTT

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 119:2019/BTTTT


The personal location indicator buoy (transmitter only for telegraphy) (hereinafter referred to as PLB buoy) operates in the COSPAS-SARSAT satellite system. These PLBs operate on the 406.0 MHz to 406.1 MHz band and have a temperature range of:

- From -40 °C to +55 °C (type 1 PLB buoy), or

- From -20 °C to +55 °C (type 2 PLB buoy).

- For QCVN 108:2016/BTTTT: full effect is suspended until the end of June 30, 2025.


Type used for personal use on civil aircraft, or specialized for seagoing boats.


Types for other personal use.


Emergency radio locator buoys (ELT) (5)

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT


Emergency location signaling device using specialized radio waves used on aircraft (ELT device).



Digital selective calling device DSC

QCVN 58:2011/BTTTT

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 119:2019/BTTTT


Digital selective calling (DSC) equipment, other than telephone equipment operating in the MF, MF/HF and/or VHF bands in the commonly used global maritime distress and safety communication system (GMDSS) on ships and boats (transmitting equipment combined with receiving equipment).

- For QCVN 58:2011/BTTTT: full effect is suspended until the end of June 30, 2025.


Search and rescue radar transponder (5)

QCVN 60:2011/BTTTT

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 119:2019/BTTTT


Radar transponder operating in the 9200 MHz - 9500 MHz band for search and rescue purposes (transmission device combined with receiver device).

- For QCVN 60:2011/BTTTT: full effect is suspended until the end of June 30, 2025.


Radiotelex equipment used in maritime MF/HF service

QCVN 62:2011/BTTTT (15)

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 119:2019/BTTTT


Radiotelex equipment used on ships in the global maritime distress and safety information system (GMDSS) (transmitting equipment combined with receiving equipment).

- For QCVN 62:2011/BTTTT: full effect is suspended until the end of June 30, 2025.



Equipment in the automatic identification system (AIS) used on ships (5)

QCVN 68:2013/BTTTT (15)

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 119:2019/BTTTT


Radio navigation equipment, used in automatic identification systems used on ships (determining the position of your ship and surrounding ships and boats within a certain range to adjust direction and speed be suitable).

- For QCVN 68:2013/BTTTT: full effect is suspended until the end of June 30, 2025.


The identification device automatically broadcasts search and rescue alerts (5)

QCVN 107:2016/BTTTT (15)

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 119:2019/BTTTT


Automatic identification device for transmitting search and rescue alerts (AIS SART) (transmitting device combined with receiving device used for telegraphy).

- For QCVN 107:2016/BTTTT: full effect is suspended until the end of June 30, 2025.


VHF telephone equipment used for maritime mobile services

QCVN 52:2020/BTTTT (12)

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 119:2019/BTTTT


VHF transmitter for telephone and digital selective calling (DSC), with external antenna connector for use on boats.

- For QCVN 52:2020/BTTTT: Desist full application until June 30, 2025.


MF and HF radio telephone equipment

QCVN 59:2011/BTTTT

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 119:2019/BTTTT


Radio receivers and transmitters, used for telephones, used on large ships, operating only at medium frequency (MF) or in medium and high frequency bands (MF/HF), allocated to the maritime mobile service (MMS), including:

- Single sidebar (SSB) modulator for voice transmission and reception (J3F);

- Frequency shift keying (FSK) device or keyed subcarrier SSB modulation for transmitting and receiving digital selective calling (DSC) signals;

- Radio equipment, not incorporating a DSC encoder or decoder, but identifying interfaces to such equipment.

- For QCVN 59:2011/BTTTT: full effect is suspended until the end of June 30, 2025.


UHF radio telephone equipment

QCVN 61:2011/BTTTT

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 119:2019/BTTTT


Radio equipment for telephones, installed on large vessels and systems operating on UHF frequencies allocated to maritime mobile services.

- For QCVN 61:2011/BTTTT: full effect is suspended until the end of June 30, 2025.


Radar equipment used for ships and boats at sea

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 119:2019/BTTTT



All types of radar equipment installed on seagoing vessels.

Radar equipment used for imported seagoing vessels is exempt from quality inspection according to Resolution 99/NQ-CP dated November 13, 2019 of the Government, but must still declare conformity before being put into use.


Specialized radio transmitter and receiver equipment for the aeronautical mobile service (including support equipment and satellite equipment)


Radio equipment for the aeronautical mobile service in the band 117.975 MHz - 137 MHz for use on the ground using AM modulation

QCVN 105:2016/BTTTT

QCVN 106:2016/BTTTT


T transmitter or transmitter incorporating a full-carrier amplitude-modulated (DSB AM) VHF radio receiver, with channel spacing of 8.33 kHz or 25 kHz used for analog voice to transmit information for ACARS. Devices include:



- Terrestrial base station equipment;




- Mobile devices;




- Portable and handheld equipment used on terrestial surface.


Radio equipment for the aeronautical mobile service in the 117.975 MHz - 137 MHz band for use on the ground

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 106:2016/BTTTT


Radio equipment in the aeronautical mobile service may operate in all or part of the 117.975 MHz - 137 MHz band, including:



Terrestrial base station equipment;




Terrestrial base station equipment; Mobile, portable and handheld equipment used on terrestrial surface.


Landing angle indicating device in an aviation radio navigation system

QCVN 104:2016/BTTTT

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT


Landing angle indicators in civil aviation radio navigation systems for terrestrial surface use operate in the frequency band from 328.6 MHz to 335.4 MHz.



Radio transmitter and receiver equipment specialized for positioning and remote measurement (except offshore equipment for the oil and gas industry)

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT



Radio transmitter and receiver equipment specialized for positioning and remote measurement (except offshore equipment for the oil and gas industry) but not for use with telegraphy/telephone.



Radio navigation equipment

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT



Radio navigation equipment used for navigation and obstacle warning purposes in the satellite radio navigation, air navigation, and satellite navigation services.


QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 119:2019/BTTTT



Radio navigation equipment used for navigation and obstacle warning purposes in the maritime radio navigation service and maritime navigation via satellite.



Amateur radio equipment

QCVN 56:2011/BTTTT


Radio transmitter and receiver equipment operates on the frequency range allocated to the amateur radio service (allocated according to the provisions of the National Radio Frequency Spectrum Plan).



Other equipment

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT











- The wireless transceiver equipment with frequency bands ranging from 9 kHz to 400 GHz and transmitting power of 60 mW or more, which is not listed in Appendix I, Section 1 and Appendix II, Section 3 of this Circular.

- Radio transmitters and receivers with frequency bands ranging from 9 kHz to 400 GHz and with a transmitting capacity of 60 mW or more are listed in section 1 of Appendix I and section 3 of Appendix II of the Circular No. This Circular but not within the scope of the corresponding applicable technical regulations.




Short range radio equipment (4)


Short-range radio transmitter and receiver for general purposes

- For devices operating within the frequency band of 13,553-13,567 MHz.

QCVN 96:2015/BTTTT

QCVN 55:2011/BTTTT or QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT


- For devices operating within the frequency band of 26,957-27,283 MHz; 40,66-40,7 MHz:

QCVN 73:2013/BTTTT

QCVN 96:2015/BTTTT


- For devices operating within the frequency band of 5725-5850 MHz, 24,00-24,25 GHz:

QCVN 74:2020/BTTTT (12)

QCVN 96:2015/BTTTT



Equipment with an external antenna and/or an integrated antenna, used to transmit or receive voice, images or other forms of data; including devices using near-field communication technology (NFC) that actively operates in the frequency bands 13,553-13,567 MHz, 26,957-27,283 MHz; 40.66-40.7 MHz, 5725-5850 MHz, 24.00-24.25 GHz.

- From the effective date of this Circular until the end of June 30, 2024: can choose to apply according to QCVN 55:2011/BTTTT or QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT.

- From July 1, 2024: apply QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT.

- For QCVN 55:2011/BTTTT: Desist application of technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until June 30, 2024.

- For QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT: it is not mandatory to apply technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until the end ofJune 30, 2025.

- For devices operating within the frequency band of 61,0-61,5 GHz, 122-123 GHz, 244-246 GHz:

QCVN 123:2021/BTTTT (12)

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT




Radio warning equipment, radio remote control equipment, general data transmission equipment, operating in the bands 61.0-61.5 GHz, 122-123 GHz, 244-246 GHz for cases:

- Radio output connection available with external antenna or with integrated antenna;

- Use all types of modulation;

- Fixed devices, mobile devices and handheld devices.


- For QCVN 123:2021/BTTTT: full effect is suspended until the end of June 30, 2025.



Radio telemetry equipment (Short range level radar).


Radio frequency identification equipment (RFID)

For devices operating within the frequency band of 13,553 MHz - 13,567 MHz:

QCVN 96:2015/BTTTT

QCVN 55:2011/BTTTT or QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT


The device uses radio waves to automatically identify, track, manage goods, people, animals and other applications, operating in the frequency band 13,553 MHz - 13,567 MHz. The device has two separate units connected via a radio interface:

- From the effective date of this Circular until the end of June 30, 2024: can choose to apply according to QCVN 55:2011/BTTTT or QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT.

- From July 1, 2024: apply QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT.

- For QCVN 55:2011/BTTTT: Desist application of technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until June 30, 2024.

- For QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT: it is not mandatory to apply technical requirements in extreme/critical conditions until June 30, 2025.



- Radio transceiver device, storing information in the form of a tag carrying an electronic chip (RF tag), mounted on the object that needs identification; Only applicable to cards with power source.


- Radio transceiver device (RF Reader) to activate the radio card and receive card information, transferring it to the data processing system.


Radar equipment used in road or rail traffic

For devices operating within the frequency band of 76 GHz - 77 GHz:

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT



Short-range radar devices operating in the 76 GHz - 77 GHz frequency band are used for applications in traffic information (road or rail) such as cruise control, detection, warning, and collision avoidanc between Vehicles and surrounding objects.



Wireless charging device

QCVN 96:2015/BTTTT



Radio equipment transmits electrical energy and signals from the power supply to the device that needs to be charged according to the principle of electromagnetic induction (electrostatic conversion device).



Radio telemetry equipment

QCVN 73:2013/BTTTT

QCVN 96:2015/BTTTT


A radio telemetry device that automatically displays or records measurement parameters and controls the functions of other devices via a radio interface.


QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 96:2015/BTTTT



Short-range radar equipment, operating in the 24 GHz - 24.25 GHz band, used for positioning and distance measurement applications (not the type of radar equipment used in road or rail traffic).



Implantable Medical Device Communication System (MICS) and Implantable Medical Device Measurement System (MITS)

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 96:2015/BTTTT


Short-range radio transceiver device, frequency band 401 MHz - 406 MHz, equipped in programmers or sensors, transmitting data remotely via radio.



High-speed radio access equipment in the 60 GHz band

QCVN 88:2015/BTTTT

QCVN 112:2017/BTTTT


High-speed radio access device, up to Gigabit, for applications in WLAN wireless local area networks or short-range WPAN wireless personal networks operating in the 60 GHz band (not applicable to type of radio equipment used for outdoor fixed LAN expansion applications or point-to-point fixed radio transmission applications operating in the 60 GHz band).



Wireless digital image transmission device

QCVN 92:2015/BTTTT

QCVN 93:2015/BTTTT


Wireless digital image transmission equipment operates in the frequency range from 1.3 GHz to 50 GHz, with a maximum allowable channel bandwidth of 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 20 MHz, including:



- Transmitter device;


- Transmitter device attached to the receiver.


Other short-range radio equipment

- For devices operating within the frequency band of 9 kHz - 40 GHz:

QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT (2)

QCVN 96:2015/BTTTT


- For devices operating in the frequency band above 40 GHz:

QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT





- Short-circuit radio equipment is not listed in Section 2, Appendix I of this Circular and Section 4, Appendix II of this Circular;

- Short-range radio equipment has been listed in section 2, Appendix I of this Circular and section 4, Appendix II of this Circular but is not within the scope of the respective applicable technical regulations.



Lithium batteries for handheld devices


Lithium batteries for laptops, mobile phones, tablets

QCVN 101:2020/BTTTT (8)


Removable Lithium batteries for mobile phones. Does not apply to removable Lithium batteries that are rechargeable batteries used to charge these devices.



Removable Lithium battery for laptops and tablets. Does not apply to removable Lithium batteries that are rechargeable batteries used to charge these devices.


Note: The implementation of product and goods conformity declaration is stated in Appendix II for some specific cases as follows:

(2) When applying QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT, in addition to the requirements in QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT, products and goods must comply with Vietnam's radio frequency planning.

(3) This type of products and goods does not apply to explosion-proof information equipment.

(4) Short-range radio equipment in this section does not include radio receiver-only equipment; broadband data transmission equipment operating in the 2.4 GHz band with an equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) of less than 60 mW; 5 GHz band radio access equipment with an equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) of less than 60 mW. Declaration of conformity will only be made when the device is suitable in terms of frequency band and technical and operational conditions according to the provisions of Circular No. 08/2021/TT-BTTTT dated October 14, 2021 of the Minister of Information and Communications.

Broadband data transmission devices, standalone radio access devices operating on one or more bands that support the 6 GHz band (5.925 GHz to 7.125 GHz) (hereinafter referred to as Wi-Fi 6E devices, Wi-Fi 7) can only be declared conformity with the condition that the manufacturer of Wi-Fi 6E and Wi-Fi 7 devices has a written commitment to turn off the 6 GHz band and the user cannot activate it. Use this frequency band without manufacturer support.

Devices with integrated functions of Wi-Fi 6E and Wi-Fi 7 devices can only be declared conformity with the condition that the device manufacturer has integrated functions of Wi-Fi 6E and Wi-Fi 7 devices with commitment to turning off the 6 GHz band and users cannot activate or use this band without the manufacturer's support.

(5) Declaration of conformity will only be made when the device is suitable in terms of frequency band and technical and operational conditions according to the provisions of Circular No. 08/2021/TT-BTTTT dated October 14, 2021 of the Minister of Information and Communications. Communications regulates the List of radio equipment exempted from licenses to use radio frequencies, accompanying technical and exploitation conditions.

(8) For QCVN 101:2020/BTTTT: Declaration of conformity is only mandatory with requirements on safety characteristics specified in Article 2.6 of this technical regulation.

(12) Do not use measurement/test results of domestic or foreign testing laboratories that have not been designated or recognized, or the manufacturer's measurement/test results to evaluate compliance with standards. this technique.

(13) For QCVN 132:2022/BTTTT: in case products and goods use voltage converters (adapters), if voltage converters are included, test QCVN 132:2022/BTTT for products and goods which include Voltage converter; If the voltage converter is not included, test QCVN 132:2022/BTTTT for products and goods that do not include voltage converter.

(14) For QCVN 53:2017/BTTTT: the requirements for antennas in Article 2.3 of the technical regulations have not been applied.

(15) The electromagnetic compatibility requirements specified in this technical regulation do not apply.

Tran Thanh Phuong
I am Tran Thanh Phuong, a jurist specializing in Product Quality Law, Cyber Information Security Law, Customs Law, Foreign Trade Management Law. I am a counsellor trusted by the world's leading technology corporations in the field of consulting on legal regulations and market access requirements for importing IT products into Vietnam
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