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WIFI 6E and WiFi 7 6GHz available in Vietnam soon?

AuthorTrần Thanh Phương

Will WiFi 6E and WiFi 7 (6GHz) soon be available in Vietnam? What should network equipment manufacturers and importers pay attention to?

EXTENDMAXThe Wi-Fi 6E standard is an extended version of the 6th generation WiFi (WiFi 6) for faster wireless transmission speeds and lower latency. Wi-Fi 6E inherits the features of WiFi 6 operating on both the 2.4GHz and 5GHz frequency bands, and adds 60 channels on the 6GHz band with bandwidth expandable to 160 MHz. Around the world, WiFi 6E has been commercialized since 2020 and is increasingly popular on digital consumer devices. Most laptops and WiFi transmitters today support WiFi 6E in the international market and regional countries. The 7th generation Wi-Fi 7, which is also operate in 6GHz band, is going to be commercialized for consumer electronic products very soon in next few year.

However, WiFi 6E and WiFi 7 (6Ghz) are not allowed to be activated and used in Vietnam yet. The question is if you can import a WiFi 6GHz product to Vietnam. Let's learn about Vietnam's regulations on frequency spectrum and certification of conformity related to WiFi 6E, WiFi 7 as well as the expected roadmap to allow the use of them in Vietnam through the article below.



WiFi 6E, WiFi 7 not allowed to use yet?

Pursuant to Article 5 of Circular 08/2021/TT-BTTTT of the Ministry of Information and Communications:

"Radio electrical equipment is on the List specified in Appendix 1 issued with this Circular but does not meet the corresponding technical and operational conditions specified in Appendix 2 to Appendix 20 issued with this Circular shall not be used in Vietnam."

Pursuant to Appendix 10 of Circular 08/2021/TT-BTTTT of the Ministry of Information and Communications, the operating frequency range of wireless network devices (WLAN / RLAN) allowed to use only includes the following frequency bands:

WiFi 802.11 b/g/n: 2400~2483.5 MHz

WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax: 5150~5250 MHz; 5250~5350Mhz; 5470~5725Mhz; 5725~5850Mhz

RLAN frequency range 57~66 GHz

Thus, WiFi 6E and WiFi 7 (6GHz) are not allowed to be used in Vietnam because it does not comply with the regulations of the Ministry of Information and Communications in Circular No. 08/2021/TT-BTTTT.



When can WiFi 6E, WiFi 7 be used?

Because WiFi devices are listed in the group of short-range radio devices, but use the common frequency band, changing legal regulations to allow the use of this expanded version will go through many steps.

1) Issue spectrum allocation plan for 6GHz band, allocate which part of this band for WiFi, which part for 5G NR

2) Amend, supplement or replace Circular 08/2021/TT-BTTTT adding WiFi 6E, WiFi 7 to the list of frequencies exempt from user licenses

3) Certification of conformity for WiFi 6E with separate technical regulations or QCVN 74:2021/BTTTT or technical regulations on frequency spectrum QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT

The entire process above is expected to take about 1 ~ 2 years if the authorities proceed immediately at this time.



What do you need to do to import?

What will you need to do to import new network devices when WiFi 6E has even become the standard connection standard on high-end devices? Our answer is:

"Current regulations only do not allow the use of WiFi 6E in Vietnam. That means you can still import WiFi 6E products with some conditions"


For manufacturers

Manufacturers need to disable the WiFi 6E, WiFi 7 feature with software right from the factory stage for products expected to be exported to the Vietnamese market. It is best for these products to be able to reactivate WiFi 6E with a software patch as soon as state management agencies issue regulations allowing its use.

For importers & distributors

Import distribution companies need to pay attention to buying the correct version of network equipment such as WiFi transmitters and laptops for the Vietnamese market (WiFi 6E, WiFi 7 is temporarily locked). For products not specifically designed for the Vietnamese market, you should check carefully with the manufacturer or export company.

In case the product has been imported, businesses can reconfigure the device so that the product does not emit 6GHz radio waves. After that, testing and certification of conformity can still be performed according to regulations

In actual import, we have recorded a number of cases where the Vietnam Telecommunications Authority (VNTA) may require the importers to present a written commitment issued by manufacturer to confirm that WiFi 6E and WiFi 7 are not activated in Vietnam.

Updated Information: On March 29, 2024, the Ministry of Information and Communications issued Circular No. 02/2024/TT-BTTTT, which includes regulations on supplementary documents for the import procedures for WiFi 6E and WiFi 7 products. The specific details are as follows: "Devices with integrated functions of WiFi 6E, WiFi 7 are only allowed to be certified for conformity provided that the device manufacturers have a written commitment confirming that the 6 GHz band has been disabled and users cannot activate or use this band without the support of the manufacturer."


For end-users

Because WiFi 6E and WiFi 7 are not allowed at this time, users should not attempt to activate the 6GHz frequency band on devices. This is a violation of the law on frequencies


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Tran Thanh Phuong
I am Tran Thanh Phuong, a jurist specializing in Product Quality Law, Cyber Information Security Law, Customs Law, Foreign Trade Management Law. I am a counsellor trusted by the world's leading technology corporations in the field of consulting on legal regulations and market access requirements for importing IT products into Vietnam
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