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Step-by-Step Guide: Importing Blenders into Vietnam

Step-by-step process for importing Blenders into Vietnam. Learn how to navigate customs, obtain necessary certifications, and ensure a smooth import process.

With the development of the food industry and the trend towards healthy living, the demand for blenders is increasing. Importing blenders for production or business purposes has become a common activity. However, to ensure a smooth import process, businesses need to be well-versed in customs procedures, regulations, and relevant legal policies. The following article by ExtendMax will provide you with all the information regarding tariffs, the HS code for blenders, and the latest regulations and policies; helping you complete the blender import procedures quickly, accurately, and smoothly.


Legal Documents Regulating the Import Procedures for Blenders

Blenders are classified as household electrical appliances and are subject to the following specialized inspection regulations.

Issuing Authority

Regulatory Document

Applicable Content

Ministry of Science & Technology

Decision No. 2711/QD-BKHCN

Quality inspection, conformity certification, and declaration of conformity according to QCVN 9:2012/BKHCN and Amendment 1:2018 QCVN 9:2012/BKHCN

Circular No. 28/2012/TT-BKHCN (amended and supplemented by Circular No. 02/2017/TT-BKHCN)

Methods for conformity certification and declaration of conformity

Ministry of Industry and Trade

Circular No. 08/2023/TT-BTC

List of used consumer goods prohibited from import


Decree 74/2018/NĐ-CP

Regulations on state quality inspection of goods and products


HS Code and Import Tax for Blenders

The first step in preparing to import blenders is to determine the HS (Harmonized System) code of the product. The HS code dictates the tax policies, customs procedures, and specialized inspections you must comply with when importing blenders into Vietnam. Correctly identifying the HS code will help you understand the legal requirements, tax rates, and specific import regulations applicable to your product.

The information on import duties and the HS code for blenders is as follows:

HS code


VAT (%)

Preferential Import Tax (%)

Normal Import Tax (%)


Electro-mechanical domestic appliances with an electric motor, excluding vacuum cleaners of heading 85.08.





- Food grinders and mixers; fruit or vegetable juice extractors.





Special Preferential Import Tax from Some Major Markets:


Special preferential Import Tax (%)

China (form E)


Soul Korean (Form VK)


Japan (Form AJ)


ASEAN countries (Form D)



Note: Goods can only enjoy the special preferential import tax rates above if they meet the conditions required by the applicable FTA. If not meeting the agreement conditions, they will enjoy the preferential import tax.

You can actively look up the HS code and tariffs of the intended import goods on the Vietnam Trade Information Database website or the General Department of Vietnam Customs website


Required Documents for Blender Importation

Based on Circular 38/2015/TT-BCT - amended and supplemented by Circular 39/2018/TT-BCT, the documents required when performing blender import procedures include:

  • Customs declaration form;
  • Bill of lading/Transport documents;
  • Sale contract;
  • Commercial invoice;
  • Packing list;
  • Certificate of origin (C/O) - if any;
  • Catalogue - if any;
  • Quality inspection registration dossier (certified by a competent authority).

Although not mandatory, the Certificate of Origin is very important as it helps businesses apply special preferential tax rates based on Free Trade Agreements (FTAs).

>>> SEE MORE: Refer to the complete export-import documentation guide


Steps to Complete Blender Import Procedures

Step 1: Register for Quality Inspection

Detailed Guide for Registering Quality Inspection for Blender Imports:

Required Documents



Processing Time

Receiving Place


1. Export-import document set, including Commercial Invoice, AWB or B/L, P/O or contract

2. Catalogue / datasheet

3. Quality inspection registration form





Amendment 1:2018 QCVN 9:2012/BKHCN


No official fee

2 ~ 3 working days

Online submission at the National Single Window Portal or directly at the Standards, Metrology, and Quality Sub-department in provinces and cities with border gates


Step 2: Open Customs Declaration and Clearance

Required Documents

Processing Time

Receiving Place



1. Import-export document set including Commercial Invoice, AWB or B/L, P/O or contract, Packing List, CO (if available)

2. Quality inspection registration form confirmed by the inspection agency

Transmit the above documents according to the customs declaration form


2-5 working days depending on the clearance channel (green, yellow, red) and whether physical inspection is required

Customs sub-department at the port of entry or the Customs sub-department managing the business's registration location


If there are no issues related to price or intellectual property protection, the goods will be cleared immediately.

Businesses do not need to perform procedures for bringing goods for preservation.



Step 3: Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Testing

Required Documents



Processing Time

Receiving Place


1. Catalogue / datasheet

2. 01 sample product + accessories

3. Fill out the test registration form




Amendment 1:2018 QCVN 9:2012/BKHCN

(TCVN 7492-1:2010 Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric tools, and similar apparatus - Part 1: Emission).


Costs depend on the price list of the testing laboratory and the applicable standards.


7 ~ 10 working days

Testing laboratories designated or registered with the Ministry of Science and Technology.


Step 4: CR EMC Type Approval

Guide to Conformity Certification for Blenders:

Required Documents



Processing Time

Receiving Place


1. Request form for conformity certification according to the certification organization's form

2. Business registration certificate

3. Technical documents (catalogue, datasheet)

4. Test sample information declaration form

5. Measurement and testing results of the device

6. ISO 9001 certificate of the manufacturing plant or import dossier

7. Some other forms in special cases


Registration for conformity certification with technical standards on electrical safety and EMC

Costs depend on the price list of the testing laboratory and the applicable standards.

2~3 weeks depending on the completeness of the dossier

General Department of Standards, Metrology, and Quality or registered certification organizations.


ExtendMax Supports Clients in Achieving Conformity Certification for Blenders


Step 5: Declare Conformity

  • Based on the test results and the issued Conformity Certificate, businesses proceed to submit the results to the National Single Window Portal, which is also the action of declaring conformity for the imported batch.

  • For blenders dryers manufactured domestically, the manufacturer needs to perform the Conformity Declaration directly at the local Department of Standards, Metrology, and Quality.

  • After completing the above steps, businesses proceed to affix the CR conformity mark and other labels (if any) before distributing the products in the market.


Risks When Importing Blenders and How to Mitigate Them

Some Risks When Importing Blenders

1. Some Risks when importing Blenders

  • Quality Regulations: Blenders fall under the category of goods that require quality inspection and conformity announcement. Failure to comply with these regulations may result in the confiscation of goods, administrative fines, and damage to the company's reputation.
  • Labeling Regulations: Products must be labeled in accordance with regulations regarding origin, ingredients, usage instructions, etc.
  • Intellectual Property Rights: Importing products that infringe on copyright can lead to serious legal issues

2. Customs Risks:

  • Incorrect Product Classification: Incorrectly determining the HS code can lead to incorrect customs declarations, resulting in unnecessary taxes and fees, and even penalties.
  • Incomplete Documentation: Missing or invalid customs documents can delay the clearance process or result in the goods being held.
  • Random Quality Inspections: Customs have the authority to inspect the quality of goods at any time. If the product does not meet standards, it will be returned or destroyed.


3. Transportation Risks:

  • Goods Damage: During transportation, blenders can be damaged by impact, moisture, or other factors.
  • Goods Loss: The risk of goods loss during transportation can occur due to various reasons such as delivery errors, natural disasters, accidents, etc.

How to Mitigate Risks

To minimize the risks when importing Blenders, businesses should:

  • Research the Market Thoroughly: Understand the demand, consumer preferences, competitors, and relevant legal regulations.
  • Choose Reputable Suppliers: Select suppliers with a good reputation who can guarantee the quality of products and services.
  • Prepare Complete Documentation: Ensure all customs documents, quality certifications, and certificates of origin are complete and accurate.
  • Purchase Cargo Insurance: Buy cargo insurance to protect assets in case of any risks during transportation.
  • Work with Professional Service Companies: Professional service companies can assist with customs procedures, transportation, and resolving arising issues.


Reliable Blender Import Procedure Support Service

To choose a reliable service provider for blender import procedures, businesses should consider several factors, including operational experience, professional expertise, service range, cost, and customer reviews. A trustworthy service provider will help ensure a smooth import process.

With many years of experience in testing and certifying conformity for electrical and electronic equipment for various manufacturers, importers, and leading global brands such as Fujitsu, Panasonic, Toshiba, Hitachi, ExtendMax can assist you with the entire blender import process, including:

→ Assessing documents, identifying the most suitable and cost-effective method for conformity certification for your business.

→ Consulting and supporting initial import procedures for customs clearance, such as drafting and submitting the quality inspection registration dossier for imported blenders.

→ Representing businesses in performing testing procedures, certification of conformity, and declaration of conformity for blenders.

→ If a business needs to import a small quantity of blenders or receive goods without payment from a parent company or foreign partner, ExtendMax has the capability and conditions to provide IOR services.


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