EXTENDMAX - Pursuant to the Prime Minister's decision No. 04/2017/QD-TTg stipulating the list of vehicles and equipment subject to energy labeling, the application of the minimum energy efficiency performance standard (MEPS or EER) and the implementation roadmap, Television sets (also known as TV) is required to meet minimum energy efficiency ratio and must apply for the procedures for announcing the energy label to the state management agency on energy efficiency under Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade (Vietnam MOIT). This requirement is based on Vietnam National Energy Efficiency Programme (VNEEP). After that, manufacturer or importer print their own VNEEP energy efficiency labels (energy-saving labels) on LCD LED smart TV before they are sold on the market. So what type of smart TV must be tested for meet minimum energy efficiency ratio, declared energy labeling? How is the procedure for publishing smart TVs energy labels? What is the state management agency on energy efficiency? Is there a fee for declaring an energy label? Within the scope of this article, we only guide the procedure for energy labeling for Television set or TV, to learn about the whole Vietnam market access requirements for importing smart TVs in detail, please see on our separate article. Now let's find out the answers for these questions related to smart TVs energy labeling through the following article of ExtendMax.
1. Applicable regulations for LCD TiVi, LED TV to access Vietnam market.
Decision No.04/2017/QD-TTg of Vietnam Prime Minister - Regulation the list of equipment and means required to comply with Vietnam regulation on energy efficiency.
Circular No. 36/2016/TT-BCT of Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT Vietnam) - Regulations on procedures and required documents for Declaration of Conformity according to Vietnam National Energy Efficiency Program (VNEEP).
TCVN 9536:2012 - Television sets - Energy Efficiency
TCVN 9537:2012 - Television sets - Method for determination of energy efficiency
TCVN 9536:2021 - Television sets - Energy Efficiency (enforced from 2025)
The above regulations are applicable to TV sets with less than 1000w rating power and do not have functions similar to a desktop PC.
2. Which kind of smart TVs are subject to EE performance testing and energy labeling?
Article 1 of TCVN 9536:2012 stipulates the scope of application
"1. Scope of application
This standard applies to television sets having a rated power of less than 1 000 W, consisting of a receiver/tuner and a display in the same enclosure.
The display is usually an electron-ray tube (CRT) display device, a liquid crystal display device (LCD) using HCFL, CCFL, LED technology, etc., a plasma type (PDP) or other display device and is designed to receive and display broadcast television signals via antenna, satellite or cable.
This standard applies to TV/VCR, TV/DVD, TV/VCR/DVD combo sets.
This standard does not apply to television sets with computer functions, OCAP, IP and other television receivers with special functions."
Televisions do not have to be labeled with energy labels
According to the above regulations, most common TVs such as LED, LED, and Plasma TVs, including old TVs using CRT bulbs, are subject to energy efficiency testing and energy labelling. However, the following TVs are not covered by the minimum energy efficiency and energy labeling requirements (it means they are exempt from energy efficiency testing and energy labeling):
- (1) LCD display which does not have TV receiver functions shall not be under regulatory scope of this regulation
- (2) Existing Energy Efficiency level is based on an old CE standard so all the LCD / LED TV should meet requirement of 5 star grade
- (3) TV having rating power 1000W or higher shall not be under regulatory scope of this regulation
3. Energy Efficiency DoC document requirements for smart TVs
Required documents to apply for Energy Efficiency certificate for product as follows:
→ Vietnam Energy Efficiency Declaration of Conformity form
→ Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) test reports
→ Certificates and Accreditation Letter of Test lab if test reports are issued by oversea labs.
→ Energy Label draft artwork (comparative label or recognition label, depends on product type)
4. Energy Efficiency label used for TiVi:
The energy efficiency label applied to LCD TV and LED TV is the comparative label which include the below listed information
→ Brand name and model name of the product
→ Name and address of the importer or manufacturer
→ Start grade (usually it is 5 stars for LED TV and LCD TV)
→ Major electrical specs and power ratings

5. VNEEP Energy Efficiency DoC acceptance authority:
After getting MEPS test report and prepare other documents as above listed, applicant shall submit the doosier to Department of Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development. The Department of Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development shall review the application dossier and submit to Minitry of Industry and Trade (Vietnam MOIT) for issuing Energy Efficiency DoC acceptance letter within 1-2 weeks. Certificate holder can use Vietnamese Energy Efficiency Label only after DoC process.
6. Is there a fee to publish energy labels for smart TVs?
Currently, state agencies do not have regulations on fees for energy labels declaration of conformity. Enterprises only need to pay the cost of energy efficiency testing for products for energy declaration of conformity application. After that, can print their own energy labels to stick on products before selling to customers or consumers.
7. The benefit of using ExtendMax’s MEPS testing and VNEEP EE DoC services
As a leading supplier in providing services for VNEEP MEPS testing and EE DoC services, ExtendMax offers huge benefit for using our services as follows:
→ Assess import requirements and compliance requirements applied to products quickly and precisely. Therefore, we help to prevent all troubles from arising to secure lead time and budget.
→ We improve lead time for your delivery plan greatly by offering deep experience in customs clearance and smart solutions for testing and certification process.
→ We have a large network with local representatives of world-wide manufacturers then we can assist customers to leverage available resources and optimize the cost related to compliance requirements.
→ We provide one stop services. In case the product is fallen under mandatory scope for Safety CR approval, EMC CR approval, or MIC ICT approval, we can use minimum quantity of test sample to complete all testing and certification requirements
8. Contact information for VNEEP energy efficiency services and consulting
Hotline: 0915 836 555 | Hanoi: 024 6666 3066
Email: consultant@extendmax.vn | phuong.tran@extendmax.vn
HO: ExtendMax Villa, C01-L18 An Vuong, Duong Noi urban area, Duong Noi ward, Ha Dong district, Hanoi City, Vietnam
Test laboratory: BT02-21, An Hung urban area, To Huu street, La Khe ward, Ha Dong district, Hanoi City, Vietnam
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