Vietnam MIC has released Circular 13/2021/TT-BTTTT and QCVN 22:2021/BTTTT - National technical regulation on electrical safety requirements for terminal equipment to be connected to information and communication networks with few changes in comparion with its official draft version.
Pursuant to the Circular 13/2021/TT-BTTTT and QCVN 22:2021/BTTTT:
1) QCVN 22:2021/BTTTT has been composed mostly based on IEC 62949:2017
2) QCVN 22:2021/BTTTT has not been confirmed to replace the QCVN 22:2010/BTTTT from July 01, 2022. It means there could be 2 version of QCVN 22:2021/BTTTT and QCVN 20:2010/BTTTT shall be in effect at the same time from July 2022 (Unless the MIC release a related regulation in near future).
3) Circular 13/2021/TT-BTTTT terminates requirements specified by item 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 of the QCVN 22:2010/BTTTT
4) QCVN 22:2021/BTTTT shall enter effect from July 01, 2022.
Not like the official draft version, the MIC has removed the list of ICT equipment which are under regulatory scope of the QCVN 22:2021/BTTTT. Instead, the list of products under regulatory scope of this new QCVN shall be specified by a new MIC Circular which shall replace Circular 01/2021/TT-BTTTT which MIC will release on around March ~ April 2022.
At this moment, it is not confirmed if the Set-top-box or desktop PC will be under regulatory list or not.