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MIC Vietnam: Circular 13/2018/TT-BTTTT - List of cybersecurity products under MIC import license

Circular 13/2018/TT-BTTTT detailing list of infomation product under MIC import license for cyber security together with instructions on procedure and requirements.

EXTENDMAX - To implement Law on Cybersecurity and Decree No.108/2016-ND-CP, on 15 - Oct - 2018 MIC Vietnam has released Circular 13/2018/TT-BTTTT detailing list of infomation product under MIC import license for cyber security together with instructions on procedure and requirements to obtain import license for Cybersecurity products. In order to obtain import license for Cybersecurity products, the key requirement is Cybersecurity product business license which granted for importer under regulations of Decree No.108/2016-ND-CP dated 01 - July - 2016 of Vietnam Government.

Update: MIC Vietnam has release the new Circular 10/2022/TT-BTTTT to amend and supplement a number of articles of Circular No. 13/2018/TT-BTTTT, providing a new list of cybersecurity products under mandatory scope.

Learn more: Vietnam MIC Circular 10/2022/TT-BTTTT

Cybersecurity product trading license service

In case you find out that your product is fallen under control list, or your importer is not qualified enough for Cybersecurity product trading license application, you can contact us for support.

With many years of experience in applying for business licenses and import and export licenses of cybersecurity products and civil cryptography products for many organizations, we can assist you:

→ Classify products into groups that do not require a license, require a license but do not have to certify for conformity, and require both a license and certification of conformity

→ Support clients to prepare documents in the fastest time according to the requirements of the authorities

→ Representing enterprises in carrying out testing and certification procedures for civil cryptography products and cybersercurity products

→ Support other legal procedures related to imported products such as applying for licenses and certificates of conformity from the Ministry of Information and Communications

→ In case the business is not yet eligible to apply for a license to trade in civil cryptography products and cybersecurity products, ExtendMax can provide Importer of Record (IOR) services to support.

Learn more:

IOR and EOR service for Vietnam

Procedure and requirements to obtain Cybersecurity Product Trading license

Procedure and requirements to apply for CCP dealer license

Indepth guide on CCP dealer license and CCP import permit

Conformity certification for civil cryptographic products


Contact us for inquiry:


Hotline: 0915 836 555 | Hanoi: 024 6666 3066

Email: |

HO: ExtendMax Villa, C01-L18 An Vuong, Duong Noi urban area, Duong Noi ward, Ha Dong district, Hanoi City, Vietnam

Test laboratory: BT02-21, An Hung urban area, To Huu street, La Khe ward, Ha Dong district, Hanoi City, Vietnam


Please find on government website or download the Circular 13/2018/TT-BTTTT 

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        Tax Code: 0106943741


        Hot line: +84 915 836 555 | Hanoi: +84 24 6666 3066

        Consulting CCP License: +84 915 836 555

        Reg. Add:P903, 9F, Tower A, Sky City Tower Complex, 88 Lang Ha street, Lang Ha ward, Dong Da district, Hanoi city, Vietnam

        HO: ExtendMax Villa, C01-L18 An Vuong, Duong Noi ward, Ha Dong, Hanoi, Vietnam

        Test Lab: BT02-21, An Hung urban area, To Huu street, La Khe ward, Ha Dong, Hanoi, Vietnam